There was light rain for most of the morning whilst Members were opening up and preparing Oddball ready for the public to attend the Open Day. However, at around one o’clock, it became fine and sunny, and remained so for the rest of the afternoon. Between seventy and eighty visitors examined our machine inside and outside, many of them walked the length of the jib, which since Oddball stopped working has rested on stacks of sleepers. In the nearby Substation, the working models in action attracted much attention, as did the DVDs of Draglines at work. We were pleased to welcome some new Members who kindly offered to volunteer their time on Open Days. Offers of help are gratefully received, as we have many jobs to do, from strimming weeds in the compound to Stewarding on Open Days. Please get in touch if you feel that you could help. You could either speak to one of the Stewards at an Open Day, or email us on and we will be in touch.